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Esosystem “Employee system management” software is design for small to mid sized businesses to meet up to date functional software for company. The software has the ability of keeping the data record of all staff in a company. The software keep up to date staff or employee activities in a company. Learn more about the advantages of Employee Attendance Tracking with the software, Job and Payroll Tracking Management, and the complete Employee Personal Information Management System of HR, offered by Esosystem Software Techniques.

How the software function: The software can be use by any company to keep data record of all staff attached with the staff photo taken by the software base on the staff personal "ID" number that is automatically generated by the software given to the employee. This data are kept in a secured database record, employee activities relating to the company can be monitor using this software. The software is build with a search engine to search for any data record of any employee base on the employee personal I.D.

Payroll system integrated into the program can be use to calculate employee number of hours and rate  per employee and give the total amount due to each employee.  

Recommended System Requirements:
•Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7  •12GB disk space,  •4GB RAM •1024×768 resolution
Employee System Management Application Screenshot

Buy Online            €200.00

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Your free trial of “Employee system management” software will last for 31 days from the time of first use one opening of the application once in a day. If you do not purchased the product after 31 days, your trial version will expire.