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100% System Cleaner is a computer cleanup and performance increase software that keeps your PC running in tip-top shape.

Why do you need System Cleaner®

Your PC needs an occasional tune-up just like your car does. Files become fragmented, disk caches fill up, the all-important Windows Registry gets disorganized and, before you know it, your PC starts letting you down when you need it the most.

But it doesn't take much to fix them. All you have to do is download 100% System Cleaner®, the premier software package that's custom designed to get your Windows-based PC performing as if it were factory new, and you're all set.

100% System Cleaner® takes care of all the common PC headaches that slow your system down and puts your data at risk from disk failure. It also takes care of many of the PC problems that other so-called tune-up programs ignore.

With 100% System Cleaner you can:®

Bring Back The Speed
Clean your Windows registry today and experience better computer performance and perfectly optimized computer system.
Reduce PC Errors
Most common computer errors are due to fragments of old software that are still left in the Windows registry. Cleaning your registry can stop these errors.

Increase PC Stability
Is your computer freezing up? This is frequently due to excessive strain on system resources. A well optimized registry can stop this from happening.
Recommended System Requirements:
•Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7  •12GB disk space,  •4GB RAM •1024×768 resolution
100% System Cleaner  Screenshots
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Buy Online            €45.00

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Your free trial of “100% System cleaner” software will last for 31 days from the time of first use one opening of the application once in a day. If you do not purchased the product after 31 days, your trial version will expire.