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This database software is for Internet coffee shops. If you run Internet coffee shop this is the best database software for you. With esosystem Internet shop software you can keep data information of all your clients that come into your shop navigating with your caffee shop computers for security purpose. The software also has the ability keeping the time record your clients spend on each of your computer navigating while on the Internet.  

Recommended System Requirements:
•Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7  •12GB disk space,  •4GB RAM •1024×768 resolution
Buy Now         €150.00

Your information is stored on our server located in our database. We treat data as an asset that must be protected and use lots of tools (encryption, password, physical security, etc.) to protect your personal information against unauthorized access and disclosure. 

Get Your Free Trial

Your free trial of Business Invoice software will last for 31 days from the time of first use one opening of the application once in a day. If you do not purchased the product after 31 days, your trial version will expire.